NPOS Updates (Dec 2023)
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Dec 2023
- Remark Option Added a remark option to QR ordering.

- Take Away Add-on Feature Added a Take Away Add-on Feature in QR Ordering.
By adding Take Away to the Add-on, you can now differentiate and process the designated menu based on the selection of Take Away.
Assuming a situation where a customer can order multiple items at once, even if all the items with Take Away are listed on a single order form, we have ensured that Take Away is separately displayed. This helps reduce errors in the kitchen when preparing orders.
– No service fee will be applied to Take Away menus.
– The Add-on recognizes “Take Away” or “TakeAway” regardless of case sensitivity.

- Printer Setting When click on printer settings, can now see the local address and WAN address of the current POS server. We’ve added the following features to the middleware:
- QR Server Reload: If the QR server cannot restart within a page due to various reasons, we’ve enabled a force reload option.
- Customer Viewer Reopen: Up until now, the customer view used Internet Explorer, but due to resource issues and lack of support, we’ve integrated it into the middleware for better provision. This feature reopens the customer view if it’s accidentally closed.
- Close: We added a button to allow administrators to shut down the middleware (with password confirmation).