Create a promotion
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[1] Go to ‘
Promotion‘ > click ‘
[2] Provide promotion name and promotion start / end date.
- Promotion Name :
- Start Date and End Date
[3] At ‘Promotion Image‘ section, click ‘Choose File‘ to upload an image related to the promotion.

[4] At ‘Deal Description‘, provide details about promotion.

[5] At ‘Deal Policy‘, provide details about deal policy.

[6] At ‘Category‘, choose a type of promotion.
[7] Choose ‘ACTIVE’ to display the promotion in ‘My Store’ page. You may select ‘BLOCKED’, ‘CLOSED’, ‘EXPIRED’, or ‘HIDDEN’ according to the promotion status.
[8] Click ‘ Save‘.
[9] Promotion will be displayed on ‘My Store’ page. By clicking the promotion, you can see deal description and policy.

Last updated on 15-Oct-2023