Giving a Discount on Items

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At the end of this topic, you will be able to:
Understand type of discounts
Give discounts to items

There may be times you want to give discounts to customers or they are eligible for certain discounts. You can use one of the following discounts:

  1. Item Discount
  2. Total Discount
  3. Discount Group

Item Discount

Item Discount is to give a discount to selected items.

[1] On Payment screen, select an item and Item Discount.

In this example, we selected Spicy Ramen to give a discount.

[2] Enter discount amount ($) or percentage (%) and click Confirm.

Click yellow button to toggle $ mode and % mode.
◾In $ mode, specify discount amount (ex. put 5 to give 5 $ discount)
◾In % mode, specify discount percent (ex. put 5 to give 5% discount)

[3] Item Discount is applied.

We have applied 10% discount on Spicy Ramen. Note that 1.3 SGD is discounted by Item Discount.

Total Discount

Total Discount is to give a discount on the total price.

[1] Click Total Discount on Payment screen.

[2] Enter discount amount ($) or percentage (%) > Confirm (same as [2] of Item Discount)

[3] Total Discount is applied.

We entered 20 SGD in $ mode. Note that 20 SGD is deducted from Sub Total + Service Charge. As a result, 45 + 4.5 (service charge 10%) – 20 (discount) = 29.5 SGD before GST.
Giving a discount in %: Discount will be applied to Sub Total before Service Charge
Giving a discount in $: Discount will be applied to Sub Total after Service Charge

Discount Group

Discount Group is a discount for a specific group. One example is that the restaurant had a partnership with a local company that the company’s staff can enjoy 10% discounts.

[1] Click Partner Discount on Payment screen.

[2] Select group for discount.

If a partner discount type is not available, check with your manager.

Notes: Discount and split billing
Customers may want to split the bill after getting discount. In this case, it is recommended to apply discount before Split Bill. Otherwise, you should apply discount to each payment.

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◀️ Go back to NPOS Guide for Front Staff

Last updated on 22 Jun 2021.

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